Ryan Powell
"You're going to love the way your home looks when we're done making it perfect for you"
Send Us your Home Inspection and we'll send you a FREE Repair bid
WHAT'S INSIDE: A detailed Checklist (with pricing & Time Frames), where you choose which improvements you'd like us to complete
Send Us your Home Inspection and we'll send you a FREE Repair Bid
WHAT'S INSIDE: A detailed Checklist (with pricing & Time Frames), where you choose which improvements you'd like us to complete
How It Works:
1) We Send you a FREE Repair Bid
Just send us a copy of your home inspection report & we'll send you a real bid, for free, that you can use to negotiate with the Seller.
2) You Negotiate with the Seller
Negotiate what work is going to be completed, when it's going to get done, and who's going to pay for it.
3) We Repair Before or After Close of Escrow
Either we'll complete the improvements while you're still in escrow and get paid from escrow, so no one needs to pay out of pocket, Or we'll take 1/3rd down, 1/3rd at the midpoint and the rest after completion. We also offer financing.
Ryan Powell
"You're going to love the way your home looks when we're done making it perfect for you"
What People Are Saying:
This is such an incredible offer! I've never lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, sodales at cursus ac, interdum eget dui. Etiam neque mauris, rutrum id ipsum non, commodo posuere lacus. 
- John Robert, CA
This is such an incredible offer! I've never lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, sodales at cursus ac, interdum eget dui. Etiam neque mauris, rutrum id ipsum non, commodo posuere lacus. 
- Bobby Jones, FL
This is such an incredible offer! I've never lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, sodales at cursus ac, interdum eget dui. Etiam neque mauris, rutrum id ipsum non, commodo posuere lacus. 
- Tricia Alice, IL
In this sample repair bid you'll see how easy it is to understand what work needs to be done, how long it will take, and how much it will cost. You can then use this information to negotiate with the seller on their price. If you choose our company to make the repairs, you can count on us to be Good, Fast, and Reliable.
  • You can count on our work to be Good, Fast, and Reliable
  • We operate at a level of Efficiency no one can match
  • Ryan Powell has built, remodeled and inspected over 3,000 homes
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Spirit of Texas Bank
ATTN: Fix It Faster, Inc.
1525 Lake Front Circle Suite #1 
The Woodlands, TX 77380

Phone: (832) 432 - 1155

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